Historic District Commission

What's New / Current Applications


The Historic District Commission seeks a regular member and an alternate member.  If you are interested in historic preservation and the character of the Town of Amherst's Historic District, please fill out the Volunteer Application and submit to Jennifer Stover at [email protected].    If you have any questions, please contact Nic Strong at [email protected].

To promote continued enrichment of our local heritage, the Amherst Historic District Commission (HDC) was established by voters of the Town of Amherst at Town Meeting of March 1970 and by adoption of Article IV, Section 4-15, Historic District, of the Zoning Ordinance at Town Meeting of March 11, 1986. The purpose of the HDC is:

To preserve the architectural and historic resources of the Town of Amherst; to foster its architectural and historic character and its sense of place; to conserve property values; to strengthen the local economy; and to promote the use of the District for education, pleasure and welfare of residents and visitors.

Since 1991, Amherst Historic District Regulations have been developed to support the preservation and enhancement of historical sites, buildings, landscapes, and structures, and the surrounding environment within the Amherst Village Historic District. A Certificate of Approval is required from the Commission for certain exterior changes to buildings and structures located within the Historic District.

The Historic District Commission is comprised of five members and five alternates, all of whom are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The purpose of the Commission is to oversee the preservation of historical and cultural resources for the Town, to educate the public on matters of historical interest and to work with other Boards, Committess, and Commissions to assure responsible development within the Historic District that reflects the Town's Master Plan. The Commission meets the third Thursday of every month is is charged by ordinance with the responsibility of reviewing all applications for Certificates of Approval. Applications to be reviewed by the Commission are due in the Office of Community Development at the close of business 21 days prior to the meeting. For more information, please contact Deb Butcher at 673-6041 x206 or by email at [email protected]

Current members of the Amherst District Commission are listed below.



Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation

NH’s Five-Year Preservation Plan

NH Preservation Alliance




Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Nic Strong Community Development Director 603-673-6041x 204

Board Members

Name Title
Tom Grella BOS Representative Ex-Officio, Voting Member
Doug Chabinsky Chair (2027)
Tom Quinn Planning Board Representative Ex-Officio, Voting Member
Martha Chabinsky Member (2026)
Nicole Crawford Alternate (2025)
William Glenn Alternate (2026)