Mission Statement & Charter
Adopted by the Board of Selectmen on March 5th, 2018, the mission statement and charter of the Amherst Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee provides the official framework within this committee operates.
I. Mission Statement
The mission statement of the Amherst Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee shall be to:
- Facilitate a town-wide network to enhance and encourage safe, multi-use transportation for connectivity, recreation, and health through the development of strategic and actionable plans.
II. Purpose
The objectives of the Amherst Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee shall be to:
- Support a holistic approach by engaging with the Amherst Board of Selectmen, Community Development, Public Works, Police, and Recreation Department, Conservation and Recreation Commission, School Administrative Unit 39, as well as other Town and local Departments, Commissions, and Committees.
- Communicate with regional groups like the Granite State Wheelmen, Bike-Walk Alliance of NH, Heal NH, and the Complete Streets Advisory Committee of the NH Department of Transportation.
- Engage in strategic transportation planning and policy development that promotes public safety and transportation connectivity.
- Make recommendations aimed at improving and enhancing recreation opportunities for Amherst residents 8 to 80 years old.
- Recommend educational programs that teach children and adults how to ride bikes and inform the public about the New Hampshire laws that are relevant to biking.
- Support the development of initiatives that will be further articulated as transportation and recreation goals and objectives stated within the Amherst Master Plan.
- Facilitate outreach and engagement with the community in order to develop a pedestrian and bicycle master plan for Amherst.
III. Reports To
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is a subcommittee of the Board of Selectmen and shall report to and/or serve the will/pleasure of the Board of Selectmen.IV. Term & Membership
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and shall consist of seven (7) voting members (one of which shall be Chair and one shall be Vice-Chair), five (5) alternates, and six (6) advisory members.
- One (1) member shall represent the Conservation Commission
- One (1) member shall represent the Recreation Commission.
- One (1) advisory member shall represent the Board of Selectman.
- One (1) advisory member shall be the School Administrative Unit 39 Superintendent or his/her designee.
- One (1) advisory member shall represent the Community Development Department.
- One (1) advisory member shall represent the Amherst Police Department.
- One (1) advisory member shall represent the Amherst Public Works Department.
- One (1) advisory member shall represent the Amherst Recreation Department.
- The remaining five (5) members shall be residents of the Town of Amherst.
- The five (5) alternate members shall be comprised of Selectmen, Town Staff, Commissioners, or residents of the Town of Amherst.
Representatives from the Board of Selectmen, Community Development Department, Police Department, Public Works, Recreation Department, and the School Administrative Unit 39 Superintendent or his/her designee, shall be advisory members. The advisory members shall not vote. Other members shall serve a three-year term. For the initial term, in order to establish staggered terms, two members shall be appointed to a one-year term; two members shall be appointed for a two-year term; and two members shall be appointed to a three-year term. Alternates may be appointed to vote by the Chair in the absence of a regular member.V. Quorum
Four voting members shall constitute a quorum of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Alternates may be counted as voting members for the purpose of establishing a quorum. Although business may be discussed without a quorum present, no decisions shall be made.VI. Meeting Dates and Times
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee shall meet at least once a month or more often as requested by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and/or Board of Selectmen.VII. Chairperson
The Chair and Vice Chair of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee shall be nominated by the remaining members of the Committee each year at an ordinary meeting held in March. If a Chair is not present at a meeting, the meeting will be chaired by the Vice-Chair.VIII. Meetings and Records
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee shall be subject to and comply with the requirements of RSA 91- A in all respects, including but not limited to the proper posting of meetings, maintenance of meeting minutes, and access to public documents and meetings.IX. Voting
Voting is formal.X. Reporting Format
Matters to be considered by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee must be included in the agenda for the meeting, and must be provided in writing to the Chair at least 5 days before the date of the meeting.
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