Road Improvements

In 2006, Bruce Berry and the Dept. of Public Works presented a comprehensive Road Surface Management Plan for the town of Amherst to the Selectmen.

On October 27, 2008, the Road Funding Analysis Committee gave a comprehensive report to the Board of Selectmen. Their research included three general areas consisting of Road Conditions, Funding & Finance and Public Information. Their Power Point Presentation can be found below.

On January 11, 2010, the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to adopt a list of 52 roads as their project to be incorporated in the road reconstruction bond on Warrant Article 22. The total miles are 22.9 and the total feet are 120,954.

As the reconstruction bond road list nears completion, we will be reconstructing addition roads using department budget funds amd not bond funds. A short history of Amherst’s roads past and present written by Bill Overholt, Chairman of the Road Commission is found below:

The May 2013 Safe Routes to School Travel Plan for Clark-Wilkins Elementary & Amherst Middle School developed by NRPC in partnership with the Town of Amherst, SAU 39, NH DOT and the Amherst Safe Routes to School Committee can be found here. It is a very large document so please be patience while downloading.